Definition of 経験
Sentences containing 経験
かわりに「ある程度」「多くおおく の」「しばしば」という言葉を使い、「私のわたし 経験けいけん では」「間違っていたら申し訳ないもうしわけない のですが」「多くおおく の例では」のようなよう 言葉を皮切りかわきり に話はなし を始めなさい。
Instead use words like "some", "many", "often", and begin statements with openers like, "In my experience, ...", "Excuse me if I'm wrong, but...", "In many instances, ...."
You have to be outside something, able to experience it from a distance, before it makes sense.
What you have said reminds me of a strange experience I had a few years ago.