嵐 Kanji
この風は嵐の印だ。 This wind is a sign of a storm.
砂嵐 Kanji
あっという間に砂嵐に襲われた。 Before we knew where we were, the dust storm was on us.
青嵐 Kanji
夜嵐 Kanji
嵐前静 Kanji
翠嵐 Kanji
山嵐 Kanji
磁気嵐 Kanji
大嵐 Kanji
嫁と姑の中は大嵐。 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are a tempest and hailstorm.
春嵐 Kanji
政界嵐 Kanji
晴嵐 Kanji