Words related to 煩
- (adj-i) noisy; loud
It's noisy next door. - annoying; troublesome; tiresome; persistent; importunate
She is particular about what she wears. - fussy; finicky; picky; particular; nagging; fastidious; bossy
What a nuisance that child is!
- (adj-i) troublesome; annoying; complicated
Ah, well I've bandaged it for the meantime but if that's awkward then it's fine to replace it with a plaster when you get home.

Sentences containing 煩
It's a fiddle going to and fro between the keyboard and mouse so are there shortcuts to allow operation using only the keyboard?
Ah, well I've bandaged it for the meantime but if that's awkward then it's fine to replace it with a plaster when you get home.
"Talking about 108, that's the number of worldly passions." "What worldly passions have you got then?" "I could say, but it'll get censored out."
There are five ways to emancipate themselves from the bond of worldly passions.