Words related to 太
- (n) Asia-Pacific region
- (n) Australia
I'm aching to go to Australia.
- (n) Austria
Where in Austria did you grow up?
- (n) vagabond; floater; vagrant
Having idled jobless for a while I wavered. I'd rushed into handing in my notice but maybe I should have endured it and kept going... - day labourer, esp. on the docks
- (n) It's good to have a girl first and then a boy
I'd like to have a girl the first time. Look, they say 'First a girl, then a boy' don't they?

Sentences containing 太
"We've got taller so they don't fit." "Right, it's certainly not that we've got fat!" "The useful phrase 'grown up' is our trump card."
"My metabolism is such that no matter how much I eat I don't put on weight." "Just now, this second, you've made enemies of people throughout the world."
I'd like to have a girl the first time. Look, they say 'First a girl, then a boy' don't they?
"I think all fat people should go on a diet". "Are you referring to me"?