Sentences containing カラー
Forty percent of the workforce are white-collar workers, most of whom have some of the most tedious and idiotic jobs ever concocted.
Why are, depending on the company, blue-collar workers better paid than white-collar ones?
With the colour key program system, all colours are divided into two palettes, the "cool palette" and the "warm palette".
「1日いちにち 8時間じかん 、週しゅう 40時間じかん 」という労働基準法ろうどうきじゅんほう が定めるさだめる 労働時間ろうどうじかん の規制きせい を特定とくてい のホワイトカラーだけ除外じょがい する「ホワイトカラー・エグゼンプション」の議論ぎろん が進んでいる。
Argument continues about the "White collar exemption" that exempts specific white collar workers from the "8 hours in 1 day, 40 hours a week," working hours fixed by the Labour Standards Act.
Simply follow the instructions below, and in no time you will be printing full color documents just as easily and quickly as black and white.
The information presented in Kelly's paper on color coordination is seen to be of use in building up an alternative theory.