Words related to 及
- (adj-na) as ... as possible
I move that these proposals be approved, and that action be taken as soon as possible.
- (exp) unnecessary
- unattainable
Nature is beyond mortal control.
- (conj) and; as well as
Such an offence is punished by a fine and/or imprisonment.
- (n) bent back
I'd like the government to respond resolutely so as to not end up looking timid. - indecisive attitude; timidity; lack of nerve

Sentences containing 及
In Japan the ring shaped ones came into use first so they're also often called "contraceptive rings".
It is a two level style round burial mound, 23m diameter (lower level), 18m (higher).
They still haven't been able to work out quite what her motive was for resorting to crime.
It is not the case that the discount can be used for all goods or all restaurants.
I'd like the government to respond resolutely so as to not end up looking timid.
Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of society.