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Definition of わく

わく(waku) ·

枠框 Kanji

  1. (n, n-suf) frame; framework

    If a door doesn't fit the casing, we must plane it carefully until it does.

  2. border; box
  3. limit; restriction; quota
わく(waku) 沸く

沸 Kanji

  1. (v5k, vi) to grow hot (of water, etc.); to boil

    The kettle is boiling.

  2. to be in a state of excitement; to get excited; to take place energetically
わく(waku) 湧く ·涌く

湧涌 Kanji

  1. (v5k, vi) to well (up); to gush forth (of water); to spring out; to surge
  2. to appear (esp. suddenly) (sweat, tears, etc.)

    Her eyes gushed with tears.

  3. to feel emotions form (joy, bravery, etc.)
  4. to hatch (esp. of parasitic insects, etc.)

Words related to わく