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seethe; boil; ferment; uproar; breed

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Popularity rank: 1709 Pinyin: fèi Korean: bi, bul Hán-Việt: phí, phất
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


煮沸[shafutsu] boiling up
湯沸器[yuwakashiki] water-heater
沸かす[wakasu] to boil
沸き出す[wakidasu] to gush out
沸上がる[wakiagaru] to boil up
沸き返る[wakikaeru] to boil up
沸き立つ[wakitatsu] to boil strongly
沸点[futten] boiling point
沸騰[futtou] boiling
沸騰点[futtouten] boiling point
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