Sentences containing だが
In 2000 Japan's health care system was the best in the world, but since clinical internship was introduced in 2003 it has clearly deteriorated.
It's obvious but the connection between people is "words". It is by those words that thoughts are shared and arguments carried out.
"Well he looks odd on the surface ... but he's even odder on the inside." "You're really not helping me there."
You have a large family to support; don't play for high stakes.
I had hoped to get another 50,000 miles out of my car, but it gave up the ghost on the expressway and it would cost too much to fix it.
"How about a cup of coffee?" "I'd like to, but I have a previous engagement."
"What happened to your nose?" "When I was backing my car up I went to check behind me, convinced that the car window was open, and bashed my face into it!"