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Definition of


奴 Kanji

  1. (n) servant (esp. a samurai's attendant)

    He's a nice guy - that's unanimous.

  2. chivalrous man (c. Edo period)
  3. cubed tofu (often served cold) →Related words: 奴豆腐
  4. kite shaped like a footman →Related words: 奴凧
  5. Edo-period hairstyle worn by samurai's attendants →Related words: 奴頭
  6. enslavement (of a woman; Edo-period punishment for her own or her husband's crime)
  7. (pn) he; she; him; her
やつ(yatsu) · しゃつ(shatsu)

奴 Kanji

  1. (pn, adj-no) fellow; guy; chap
  2. thing; object
  3. (derogatory or familiar) he; she; him; her

奴 Kanji

  1. (suf) derogatory suffix (referring to others) (e.g. "damn/damned fool")
  2. humble suffix (referring to oneself)
やつこ(yatsuko) · つぶね(tsubune) · やつこらま(yatsukorama) · ·

臣奴僕 Kanji

  1. (n) slave
  2. retainer; servant
  3. captive
  4. varlet
  5. I; me

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