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Definition of いとこ

じゅうけい(juukei) · いとこ(itoko) 従兄

従兄 Kanji

  1. (n) cousin (elder male) →Related words: 従弟

    The Smiths are our cousins.

  1. (n) cousin (male) →Related words: 従姉妹

    I have a cousin who is a lawyer.

じゅうし(juushi) · いとこ(itoko) 従姉

従姉 Kanji

  1. (n) cousin (elder female) →Related words: 従妹

    It was your cousin. Second year, current member of student council, club activity is basketball, working as vice captain.

いとこ(itoko) · じゅうしまい(juushimai) 従姉妹

従姉妹 Kanji

  1. (n) cousin (female) →Related words: 従兄弟

    Among my cousins, you know, there's a girl with the most enormous breasts.

じゅうてい(juutei) · いとこ(itoko) 従弟

従弟 Kanji

  1. (n) cousin (younger male) →Related words: 従兄

    I borrowed 1,000 yen from my cousin.

じゅうまい(juumai) · いとこ(itoko) 従妹

従妹 Kanji

  1. (n) cousin (younger female) →Related words: 従姉

Words related to いとこ