Words related to りや
- (n) board of directors
The Board of Directors aim is to make decisions regarding business affairs of the company. - board of directors' meeting
- (n) repair workshop; garage
I'll call a repairman I know who'll be at your house to fix the washing machine promptly.
Sentences containing りや
Good doctors explain things to patients in easily understandable ways, using anatomical models and such.
Are you more likely to get worse ovulation pains if you have a tipped uterus?
When rain's fallen and the soil is moist, it becomes easier to pull out weeds.
With most of the arts, if you don't get the basics down properly then it is difficult to acquire further skills.
Dammit, that pest Nagisa, she really went and snitched on me to the teachers.
This book aims to provide an explanation of modern Japanese grammar that is as systematic and as easily understood as possible.