Words related to 間に
- (exp) just like that; in the twinkling of an eye; in the blink of an eye; in the time it takes to say "ah!"
The holiday ended all too soon.
- (adv) before one knows; before one becomes aware of; unnoticed; unawares
Bob went out before I knew it.
- (v5u) to be in time for
Hurry up in order to catch the train. - to serve (suit, meet) the purpose; to be good enough; to be enough
- (n) moon peeping from behind the clouds

Sentences containing 間に
"Hey, when do the dorms lock up?" "9 o'clock" "Whoops, if we don't run we won't make it!"
He's likely to be late so you'd better tell him again that the meeting time is seven to make double sure.