Words related to 輸
- (n) medical transport (plane)
- (n) transportation
Service industries include communication, transportation, distribution, finance and a host of other areas which do not involve production of goods.
- (n) Minister of Transport
- (n) military transport
- (n) military transport

Sentences containing 輸
The Mexican government announced the banning of all imports of second-hand cars, except for 1998 models.
It's talking about how, thanks to air transport, we've lost the sense of 'season' for foodstuffs.
Ending up with being called a "measles exporting country" by the rest of the world, something that you could take as insult or truth.
In the latest report, it is written that 90% of all the cocaine smuggled in the world is transported by sea, and most of that by speedboat.
It is foreseen that, due to the decline in grain production, China will quickly become a world leading grain importing country, overtaking Japan.