Definition of 級
Words related to 級
- (n) class struggle
The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles.

Sentences containing 級
I'm putting myself through school, so I can't have things that are that expensive.
We are studying in order to pass the STEP 2nd grade test.
しかし、アメリカ同様どうよう 日本も中流ちゅうりゅう 階級かいきゅう の平均的へいきんてき 収入しゅうにゅう の人々が圧倒的多数あっとうてきたすう を占めるしめる 国くに なので、妻つま たちはメイドを雇わず、自分じぶん で何もかもなにもかも に励むはげむ 。
However, like America, Japan is predominantly a middle-class, middle-income country, and so wives do not employ maids, but attend to everything themselves.
This dictionary is useful to beginners, yes, and to advanced learners.
America likes to claim that it is a "classless" society.
The typical middle-class American baby comes home from the hospital to sleep in his own bed in his own room.