Definition of 的
Words related to 的
- (n) leadership position
- (adj-na) oppressive; despotic
He defies the present government which is no less oppressive than its predecessor.
- (n) overwhelming numbers
The bill was passed by an overwhelming majority.
- (adj-na) intentional; on purpose
He broke the window intentionally.
- (adj-na) popular; typical; general
They are typical young people.
- (exp) as a general rule

Sentences containing 的
It is even becoming accepted even in exam-English that that called "simple future tense" does not exist.
* The basic prohibitions (No slander, libel, etc.) are noted in the "Read me first." Please be sure to read it.
'That' has only the two cases, nominative and objective, and it does not inflect depending on the case.
We have explained that HTML is, as a basic rule, elements marked up with open and close tags.
"If it's a light workout, OK." "Right, so will we allow crotch-kicking and eyeball crushing?"
Although the phrase "world peace" sounds attractive, the road to world peace is very long and full of troubles.
"Act now!" he said, and in addition to his obvious meaning, he hinted that there were number of other important reasons why immediate action was needed.