Sentences containing ログ
This blog covers topics that centre on information infrastructure.
I'm a bit down because a blogger friend of mine has decided to stop blogging.
その伝達でんたつ の方法ほうほう には、カタログはもちろんであるが、手紙てがみ 、雑誌ざっし や新聞しんぶん による広告こうこく 、ラジオやテレビのコマーシャル、電話でんわ による買い物かいもの なども含めるふくめる ことが出来るできる 。
The means of communication can include letters, magazine and newspaper advertisements, radio and television commercials, and telephone marketing, as well as catalogs.
The program should have started by now, so we'll probably miss the first half.
However, the color was different from the sample color in your catalog.