Sentences containing マーク
When I looked in a gardening book I was surprised by how many were marked poisonous.
This skull and crossbones was named based on the world-famous Captain Kidd who was active in late 17th century Britain.
We have explained that HTML is, as a basic rule, elements marked up with open and close tags.
その実験じっけん セットは、すてきな木箱きばこ に入ってはいる 届けられたのだが、その中なか には、試験管立てしけんかんたて 、強力なきょうりょく 粉末ふんまつ の入ったはいる ガラス瓶びん 、敏感びんかん に反応する紙かみ の小さなちいさな 包みつつみ (リトマス紙リトマスし だと僕ぼく は思うおもう )、ガラス棒ぼう 、手引き書てびきしょ が入っていてはいる 、適切てきせつ にも毒どく のラベル[どくろマーク]もついていたつく 。
It came in a handsome wooden box and contained a rack for test tubes, glass bottles of powerful powders, a little packet of sensitive paper (litmus, I think), a glass rod, the manual and suitably exciting poison labels.
That university conducts its entrance examinations using a computer scored answer sheet.