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o しま shima

  1. Words
  2. Sentences

Definition of おしま

(go) · (o)

御 Kanji

  1. (pref) honourable; honorable

縞 Kanji

  1. (n, n-suf, adj-no) stripe; bar; streak

    Is that green striped shirt in the wash?


緒 Kanji

  1. (n) cord; strap; thong
  2. string (of a musical instrument, bow, etc.)
しま(shima) ·

島嶋 Kanji

  1. (n) island
  2. territory (of a prostitute, organized crime gang, etc.); turf

尾 Kanji

  1. (n) tail (animal, kite, comet, etc.); tail end
  2. slope at the foot of a mountain
あさ(asa) · (o) ·

麻苧 Kanji

  1. (n) cannabis (Cannabis sativa); hemp (plant)
  2. hemp (fiber); linen; flax; jute
  1. (int) oh! (expression of slight surprise)

小 Kanji

  1. (pref) small; narrow →Related words: 小川
  2. familiar prefix →Related words: 小野
  3. slightly; a bit →Related words: 小暗い
(o) · (u) · (se)

諾 Kanji

  1. (int) yes; all right; OK; okay
しま(shima) 四魔

四魔 Kanji

  1. (n) (Buddh) the four kinds of demons that make trouble for sentient beings →Related words: 煩悩魔 , 陰魔 , 死魔 , 天魔
しま(shima) 死魔

死魔 Kanji

  1. (n) (Buddh) demon of death →Related words: 四魔

Words related to おしま