Words related to 痛く
- (exp) thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye
His daughter is very dear to him.
- (exp) of no concern at all; no skin off my nose
- (exp) thinking the sun shines out of someone's eyes; being the apple of one's eye
My children are very precious to me.
Sentences containing 痛く
Are you more likely to get worse ovulation pains if you have a tipped uterus?
About four years ago my Achilles tendon started to hurt and I was told it was Achilles tendonitis.
Shurrup! Don't make such a fuss over a little headache. I'm flat out of magical power - this is all your fault!
He-heh-heh, I'm terrible at sports so if I run a while my sides hurt right away.
My daughter is the apple of my eye.
She goes to the dentist regularly, so she seldom gets toothache.
He was out of shape when he took a long hike with his sons, and he was stiff and sore the next day.