Words related to 欠陥
- (n) defective merchandise
- (n) lattice defect
- (n) defective merchandise
As your goods for which you are charging us were imperfect, we will not pay this account.
- (n) quality and defects liability
- (n) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ADHD
Sentences containing 欠陥
I think that it likely that there was a major fault in the lookout.
Party leaders are grappling with flaws in the party system.
世界せかい の旅客機の半数はんすう 以上いじょう を製造せいぞう しているする ボーイング社しゃ は、もっともなことだが、機体きたい の他ほか に欠陥けっかん を起こすおこす 可能性かのうせい のあるものに、注意を引こうと躍起やっき になっている。
Boeing, which builds more than half the world's commercial airliners, is understandably keen to draw attention to what can go wrong besides planes.
Crashes in the early days of commercial jets tended to be caused by technical faults, such as metal fatigue in the airframe or engines.
The customer insisted on a price reduction because of defects in the product.
As your goods for which you are charging us were imperfect, we will not pay this account.