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Search Kanji for 然併乍

though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all

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Pinyin: zhà Korean: sa Hán-Việt: sạ, tác
Stroke counts: 5 Skip code: 4-5-3


我乍ら[warenagara] even if I say so myself
及ばず乍ら[oyobazunagara] to the best of my ability, poor though it be
乍ら[nagara] while
二つ乍ら[futatsunagara] both
然し乍ら[shikashinagara] however
末筆乍ら[mappitsunagara] letter-closing phrase expressing regret for a delay
余所乍ら[yosonagara] while at a distance
否否乍ら[iyaiyanagara] reluctantly
居乍ら[inagara] from where one sits
憚り乍ら[habakarinagara] with all due respect ...
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
join; get together; unite; collective

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Popularity rank: 966 Pinyin: bìng Korean: byeong Hán-Việt: tính
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-2-6


愛憎併存[aizouheison] ambivalence
兼併[kenpei] uniting
併せる[awaseru] to match (rhythm, speed, etc.)
合併症[gappeishou] complications (in an illness)
併し[shikashi] however
併し乍ら[shikashinagara] however
併せて[awasete] in all
併せ考える[awasekangaeru] to consider together
併せ用いる[awasemochiiru] to use jointly
併も[shikamo] moreover
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
sort of thing; so; if so; in that case; well

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Popularity rank: 401 Pinyin: rán Korean: yeon Hán-Việt: nhiên
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-8-4


然り気ない[sarigenai] nonchalant
然う然う[sousou] so long
然して[soshite] and
亜爾然丁[aruzenchin] Argentina
闇然[anzen] dark
依然[izen] still
依然として[izentoshite] still
一目瞭然[ichimokuryouzen] apparent
隠然[inzen] latent power
果然[kazen] as was expected
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0