Definition of 9
Words related to 9
- (num) nine
There are nine planets travelling around the sun, the earth being one of them.
- (n) the ninth day of the month
- nine days
The top eight players survived the ninth day of the tournament.
- (n) ambulance and fire brigade emergency tel. no. (in Japan)
- (n) strontium 90 (Sr-90)
- (n) September 11th attacks
- (n) Constitution Act, 1982 (part of the Canadian Constitution)
- (n) "090" financing; loan sharks operating from a cellphone (i.e. without a fixed phone number)
- (n) plutonium-239
- (n) nineteenth day of the month
- nineteen days
- fool; simpleton

Sentences containing 9
With reference to the invoice No.56789 which was due last month, we have not yet received your remittance.
A 19-year-old Canadian broke the world record last month for a nonstop, round-trip swim across the English Channel.