Words related to 路線
- (exp) along the route (line)
- (n) railroad (bus) lines (routes) in operation
- business plan (policy)
- (n) moderate line; middle-of-the-road line (in politics)
- (n) expansion policy; road to expansion
- (n) established (existing) policy (procedure(s))
- (n) (following) a pragmatic (policy) line (approach)
- (n) (taking) a flexible approach (to)
- (n) (going) the pure love stories route (in movie making)
- (n) (adopting) a publicity (an advertising) policy; a propaganda line
- (n) (adopting) a popular line; (taking) a populist line
- (n) policy of using dialogue instead of confrontation
Sentences containing 路線
もし高いたかい 丘おか がAからBの間あいだ にあれば、路線ろせん が丘おか を越えて行くようにさせるか、トンネルで丘おか を貫いて行くようにさせるか、あるいは丘おか を避けて迂回路うかいろ をとるようにさせるか決めるきめる のが重要じゅうよう となる。
If a high hill stood between A and B, it was important to decide whether the line should climb over it, pierce it with a tunnel, or make a detour to avoid it.
It then became necessary to settle the best route for the line to follow; and that was determined, in the first place, by the shape of the land it had to cross.
すなわち、その路線ろせん が通るとおる 土地とち の所有者しょゆうしゃ の意向いこう 、他のほか 町や村むら の便宜をはかるために、あるいは他のほか 路線ろせん との接続せつぞく をはかるために迂回うかい することのメリットなどである。
In other words, the merits, etc. of making detours are the consideration of the attitudes of the landowners whose property the line would cross, the convenience of other towns and villages, as well as connection with other railway lines.
The latter will continue to develop along their own paths according to the needs of their own speakers.