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tsume kake

  1. Words

Definition of 詰掛

かけ(kake) 掛け ·懸け · ·

掛懸 Kanji

  1. (n) credit →Related words: 掛け売り , 掛け買い

    Short accounts make long friends.

  2. money owed on an account; bill
  3. hot noodles in broth →Related words: 掛け蕎麦 , 掛けうどん
  4. (n, n-suf) proportion (of wholesale price, as tenths of list price)
  5. (suf) in the midst of
  6. rest; rack; hanger
つめ(tsume) · づめ(zume) 詰め ·

詰 Kanji

  1. (n, suf) stuffing; packing
  2. (n) end (esp. the foot of a bridge)
  3. lowest-ranking guest at tea ceremony
  4. tea master
  5. endgame (esp. in shogi or used figuratively)

    You kept putting off working on the fine details on this project so it ended up lacking the finishing touches.

  6. sweet eel sauce
  7. middle-aged woman
  8. (n-suf) appointment to a particular workplace
  9. using as the sole ground of judgement (judgment)
  10. (after the -masu stem of a verb) continuing; keep doing for period of time

    We sat up half the night just talking.

がけ(gake) 掛け ·懸け · ·

掛懸 Kanji

  1. (suf, adj-no) -clad
  2. in the midst of
  3. tenths (e.g., wholesale price, as tenths of retail price)
  4. times (i.e. multiplied by)
  5. able-to-seat (of a chair, etc.)
がかり(gakari) ·

係掛 Kanji

  1. (suf) charge; duty; person in charge; official; clerk →Related words: , 掛かり

Words related to 詰掛