Words related to 設備
- (n) sprinkler system
- (n) accommodations
- (n) sanitary facilities
- (n) capital investment; capital expenditure; investment in plant and equipment
The company's capital expenditure program is set to be 10 billion yen for this year.
- (n) air conditioner
- (n) accommodation
- (n) safety devices; security provisions
- (n) plant and equipment; production facilities; manufacturing equipment
- (n) overcapacity
- (n) cooling facilities; air-conditioning facilities
Incidentally, this room doesn't have anything like an air conditioner. All it has is a hand-held paper fan.
Sentences containing 設備
Incidentally, this room doesn't have anything like an air conditioner. All it has is a hand-held paper fan.
Our advice is that the company invest in new equipment.
一つ一つひとつひとつ 違っていてちがう 、広々としたひろびろとした 庭にわ があって魅力的な家並が、もっぱら機能きのう だけを追求ついきゅう したする マンションにとって代わられるが、このマンションには、行き過ぎを思えるおもえる ほど賞賛しょうさん される「現代の便利な設備せつび 」以外いがい に褒めるほめる べき点てん はないのである。
Rows of houses, each of them different and pleasing with their spacious gardens, are replaced by purely functional blocks of flats which have nothing more to commend them than over-praised 'modern conveniences'.