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It seems that your search contains the following:

waki yadoriki

  1. Words

Definition of 脇寄

わき(waki) · ·

脇腋掖 Kanji

  1. (n) armpit; under one's arm; side; flank
  2. beside; close to; near; by
  3. aside; to the side; away; out of the way
  4. off-track; off-topic
  5. deuteragonist; supporting role
  6. second verse (in a linked series of poems) →Related words: 脇句
かたわら(katawara) 傍ら ·側ら · · · ·

傍側旁脇 Kanji

  1. (adj-no, n-adv, n-t) side; edge; beside; besides; nearby →Related words: 傍らに

    Mary was reading, with a cat sleeping beside her.

  2. (n-adv) while (doing)