Definition of 継続
Words related to 継続
- (exp) persevering through something difficult makes one stronger; whatever doesn't kill us only makes us stronger; slow but steady wins the race
- (n) carrying over a bill from one Diet session to the next, being deliberated by a committee in the interim
- (n) principle holding that any matters left unresolved at the end of one Diet session are not to be carried over to the next
- (n) business continuity plan; BCP
- (n) (mobile phone) number portability (introduced to Japan in October 2005) →Related words: ナンバーポータビリティー

Sentences containing 継続
It's ludicrous to continue business operations while selling off bit by bit the land on which your business depends.
Due to ill-health of the web-manager, loss of motivation and other circumstances I have decided that it is not possible to continue.
Education must not be limited to our youth, but it must be a continuing process through our entire lives.
Scientific research is not a mechanical routine, but a continuing struggle on the part of the scientist.