Definition of 事態
Words related to 事態
- (n) state of emergency
The American Government declared a state of emergency.
- (n) contingency plan
- (n) state of emergency
The journalist was calm even in an emergency.
- (n) emergency government
- (n) Federal Emergency Management Agency of the United States; FEMA
Sentences containing 事態
そして、多くの国々くにぐに では農業のうぎょう によって動物どうぶつ の生息地せいそくち が破壊はかい されているため、動物どうぶつ はすでに圧迫あっぱく を受けているのであるが、事態じたい はますますひどくひどい なりうる。
And in many countries, where the animals are already under pressure because their homes are being destroyed by agriculture, things can get even worse.
No one can say for sure how this awkward state of affairs came about.
この緊急な事態じたい において、人事じんじ や制度せいど を改革かいかく しする 、清新な雰囲気と新しいあたらしい 観念かんねん を、われわれの組織そしき の中なか に注入ちゅうにゅう する以外いがい に方策ほうさく はない。
We have no other alternative but to swap horses midstream and inject a fresh atmosphere and new ideas into our organization.
You can complain 'til the cows come home, but it's not going to make a bit of difference.