Words related to 争
- (n) price competition
With this price, your product would not be competitive in the Japanese market.
- (n) price war
- (n) class struggle
The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles.
- (n) nuclear warfare
If a nuclear war were to break out, mankind would perish.
- (n) competitive relationship
- (n) competitive market
- (n) auction
- (n) competitive power
The company's competitive edge will be eroded if system engineers continue to leave.
- (n) limited (scale) war

Sentences containing 争
Every evening after school we met in his back garden and arranged Indian battles.
At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further.
War isn't something to be done lightly, also changing the constitution isn't something that should be done because "I just really want to go to war".
If there's a world-wide all-out nuclear war it's said that there will be a "nuclear winter" all over the planet for several months.
Karl Marx says that "The history of society is the history of class struggles."