Sentences containing ョ
Their communication may be much more complex than we thought.
"From the North Country" is a TV drama produced by Fuji TV and set in Furano in Hokkaido.
一般投票いっぱんとうひょう による「ピープルズ・チョイス賞しょう 」が今年も発表はっぴょう され、メル・ギブソンとジュリア・ロバーツが最ももっとも 人気にんき のある映画えいが 男優だんゆう と女優じょゆう に選ばれた。
The "People's Choice" award, by public polling, was announced again this year and Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts were selected as the most popular male, and female, film actors.
When you wear camo shorts, what colour t-shirt goes with that?
Women - why do they want to go to toilet in groups? I don't get it at all.
"Pet loss" refers to the reactions of shock and anger that occur in owners who have been bereaved of their pets.
Obviously there are many variations between these two extremes.