Definition of よって
Words related to よって
- (exp) depending on the situation; should time and circumstances permit
This medicine will do you good or harm, as the case may be.
- (exp) depending on the situation; depending on circumstances
- (exp) as usual; as is one's habit
As is his way, he eats reading a newspaper.
- (exp) of all things; expression used to criticize a poor decision
Of all places to meet you!
- (exp) by dint of their help
- (exp) should time and circumstances permit
Sentences containing よって
It's obvious but the connection between people is "words". It is by those words that thoughts are shared and arguments carried out.
"'Fox's wedding'." "Er ...?" "Today, with an 81 percent likelihood, it will be clear skies but, depending on location, there will be sun showers."
You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends.
ある時代じだい の最ももっとも 洗練せんれん された審美眼しんびがん によって美しいうつくしい と考えられたものが美術館びじゅつかん にはたくさんあるのだが、それは今いま の私たちには価値かち のないものに見えるみえる のである。
The museums are full of objects which the most cultivated taste of a period considered beautiful, but which seem to us now worthless.
The most important feature of all games is that they are governed by rules.