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Definition of へい

へい(hei) ·

塀屏 Kanji

  1. (n) wall

    A fence runs around the house.

  2. fence
へい(hei) · ひのえ(hinoe)

丙 Kanji

  1. (n) 3rd in rank; third sign of the Chinese calendar

兵 Kanji

  1. (n) (common) soldier; rank and file
  2. army; troops

    The army abandoned the town to the enemy.

  3. warfare; strategy

弊 Kanji

  1. (n) bad habit; harm
へい(hei) · ぬさ(nusa)

幣 Kanji

  1. (n) (Shinto) staff with plaited paper streamers

Words related to へい