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It seems that your search contains the following:

tsu fu

  1. Words

Definition of つふ

つぼ(tsubo) · つほ(tsuho) · つふ(tsufu) · ·

壷壺壼 Kanji

  1. (n) jar; pot; vase

    This is the pot he treasures most of all.

  2. dice cup
  3. depression (i.e. the basin of a waterfall)
  4. target (when aiming an arrow)
  5. (figurative) bull's-eye →Related words: 思うつぼ
  6. key point (of a conversation, etc.)
  7. acupuncture point; moxibustion point
  8. nodes on a fingerboard (of a shamisen, etc.)

Words related to つふ