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Search Kanji for 卓越風

eminent; table; desk; high

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Popularity rank: 1348 Pinyin: zhuō, zhuó Korean: tag Hán-Việt: trác
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-6-2


円卓[entaku] round table
円卓会議[entakukaigi] round-table conference
食卓[shokutaku] dining table
卓越[takuetsu] preeminence
卓越風[takuetsufuu] prevailing wind
卓球[takkyuu] table tennis
卓見[takken] clearsightedness
卓効[takkou] great efficiency
卓識[takushiki] clearsightedness
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
surpass; cross over; move to; exceed; Vietnam

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Popularity rank: 897 Pinyin: yuè Korean: weol, hwal Hán-Việt: việt, hoạt
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-7-5


寄越す[yokosu] to send
越幾斯[ekisu] extract (esp. of food, fruit, etc.)
越南[betonamu] Vietnam
引き越す[hikkosu] to move (house)
越す[kosu] to cross over (e.g. mountain)
越境[ekkyou] border transgression
越権[ekken] going beyond authority
越冬[ettou] passing the winter
越年[etsunen] ring out the old year
夏越し[natsugoshi] keeping over the summer
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
wind; air; style; manner

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Popularity rank: 558 Pinyin: fēng Korean: pung Hán-Việt: phong, phúng
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-2-7


お風呂に入る[ofuronihairu] to take a bath
微風[bifuu] gentle breeze
トルコ風呂[torukoburo] Turkish bath
風太郎[puutarou] vagabond
悪風[akufuu] vice
威風[ifuu] majesty
異風[ifuu] unusual customs
遺風[ifuu] tradition
一風[ippuu] eccentric
一風変った[ippuukawatta] eccentric
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0