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Definition of きび

きび(kibi) 機微

機微 Kanji

  1. (n) subtleties; niceties; delicate signs; inner workings

    It's a drama where you can enjoy the delicate workings of a woman's mind.

  2. (adj-na) subtle; sensitive
きみ(kimi) · きび(kibi) 気味

気味 Kanji

  1. (n) sensation; feeling →Related words: いい気味

    There was something weird about the incident.

  2. tendency; propensity →Related words: 気味
きび(kibi) · きみ(kimi) · キビ(kibi) ·

黍稷 Kanji

  1. (n) (common) millet (Panicum miliaceium); proso millet
きび(kibi) 驥尾

驥尾 Kanji

  1. (n) leader (to follow)
きび(kibi) 機尾

機尾 Kanji

  1. (n) tail (of an aeroplane, airplane)
みずのとひつじ(mizunotohitsuji) · きび(kibi) 癸未

癸未 Kanji

  1. (n) 20th of the sexagenary cycle →Related words: 干支
きび(kibi) 貴卑

貴卑 Kanji

  1. (n) high and low class
きび(kibi) 羈縻

羈縻 Kanji

  1. (vs) to be tied down; to be fastened; to be bound to
きび(kibi) 鬼魅

鬼魅 Kanji

  1. (n) demon; monster; apparition
つちのとひつじ(tsuchinotohitsuji) · きび(kibi) 己未

己未 Kanji

  1. (n) 56th of the sexagenary cycle →Related words: 干支

Words related to きび