我慢 Kanji
この寒さは我慢出来ないな。 I can't put up with this cold.
我慢痩 Kanji
そんなにやせ我慢しなくても、はやくこっちに来れば良かったのに。 You should have come here sooner instead of putting it off out of pride for so long.
我慢強 Kanji
イギリス人は我慢強い国民だ。 The English are a hardy people.
強情我慢 Kanji
我慢汁 Kanji
スカートを脱ぐだけで、彼のズボンはもう我慢汁でビショビショだった。 I only had to take off my skirt and his pants were soaked with precum.
我慢比 Kanji