Words related to 遥
- (adv) far off; in the distance; long ago; far; by far; far and away
He was far in advance of his days.
- (adv) from afar; over a great distance; all the way
He came all the way from abroad.
- (adj-no) faraway; far-off
It happened that I saw my friend walking in the distance.
- (n) Peripatetic school (of philosophy)
Sentences containing 遥
But it's because there's no club activity on the day of the mocks that I walk back with Haruka, I'm thankful for that.
Pains of love be sweeter far / Than all other pleasures are.
物資ぶっし は、遥かにはるかに 人間以上にんげんいじょう に、地球の表面ひょうめん を移動いどう しする 続けている偉大な旅行者りょこうしゃ なのだ。再現さいげん のない物資ぶっし の流れながれ が世界中で交換こうかん されているが、それは地球上の人ひと の住むすむ 場所ばしょ で貿易ぼうえき に関わらないところはほとんどないことを意味いみ する。
Goods are the great travelers over the earth's surface, far more than humans, which means that hardly an inhabited spot on the globe is untouched by trade.
Her very frowns are fairer far than smiles of other maidens are.
He can speak English much more fluently than I can.
Mastering facts patiently is far more necessary for them than learning expressive and critical skills.