Words related to 緩和
- (n) detente; easing of tensions; thaw
The President's speech was calculated to ease world tensions.
- (n) deregulation; removal (easing) of (official) restrictions; relaxation of regulations
- (n) relaxation oscillation
- (n) quantitative easing
- (n) quantitative easing
- (n) impact mitigation
Sentences containing 緩和
The President's speech was calculated to ease world tensions.
今後こんご は、新しん 事業創造そうぞう による経済けいざい の活性化かっせいか という観点かんてん から、国民こくみん のコンセンサスに基づいた早急な内圧ないあつ 型かた 規制緩和きせいかんわ が推進すいしん されなければなるまい。
Therefore, they cannot catalyze deregulation without "external pressure".
The bank rate cut is expected to relieve the severe financial squeeze that has hit industry.
Credit relaxation is considered necessary to shore up business.
Gas is a little cheaper with self-service, now that deregulation is kicking in.