Definition of 経済
Words related to 経済
- (n) economies of scale
- (n) economic assistance
- (n) economic recovery
Slow economic recovery has sent auto sales plummeting.
- (n) economic reform
- (n) economic disparity
- (n) economic activity
The retail price index is a barometer of economic activity.
- (n) Director General of Economic Planning Agency
- (n) economic cooperation
Sentences containing 経済
This problem bristles with difficulties both psychological and economical.
From this we can derive the argument that major population shifts are not the result of economic change.
That amount of crops isn't enough to support their economy.
Those gloom and doom economists aren't worth their salt.
When a currency depreciates, that has an inflationary effect on the economy of the country of the currency.
「情報スーパーハイウェイじょうほうスーパーハイウェイ 」の真のしんの インパクトは、情報インフラじょうほうインフラ の構築こうちく により経済けいざい が従来のハードはあど やモノづくり中心ちゅうしん の実体じったい 経済けいざい から知識ちしき 、情報じょうほう 、ソフトを主体しゅたい としたする 経済けいざい に移行いこう しする 、そこから生まれるうまれる 新しいあたらしい 産業さんぎょう や経済けいざい 活動かつどう にある。
Forming an information infrastructure, the real impact of the information highway is an expectation of new economic development due to a shift from a tangible hardware-industry to brain-oriented software-industry.