Words related to いっ
- (exp) while it may be true that; just because; nevertheless; not necessarily
Two wrongs don't make a right.
- (conj) while it may be true that; just because; nevertheless; not necessarily
Not that I have any objection.
- (n) happy family get-together
Sentences containing いっ
When participants were sought at the end of June all, about 500, seats were reserved in under a week.
Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me.
How to prepare black porgy: Sashimi, Whatever anybody says sashimi is the tastiest.
When I looked in a gardening book I was surprised by how many were marked poisonous.
With your ability it should be a doddle, but please don't be prideful of that but first apply yourself dilligently with everyone in your class.
I'm worried because the dentist I went to recently told me, "You've got periodontitis alright".
人ひと が肉体にくたい を持ち、地上ちじょう に生まれたからといって、地上ちじょう のことを全てすべて 理解りかい するわけではないのと同様にどうように 、死んだからといって霊的れいてき 世界せかい を全てすべて 理解りかい しているする わけでもないのです。
Just because people are corporeal born to this world doesn't mean that they understand everything about it, similarly just because somebody's died doesn't mean that they understand everything about the incorporeal world.