Search Kanji for 鉋
円鉋[maruganna] round carpenter's plane
鉋屑[kannakuzu] wood shavings
反台鉋[soridaikanna] wooden plane with a convex base curved in the cutting direction
南京鉋[nankinkanna] spokeshave
鉋屑[kannakuzu] wood shavings
反台鉋[soridaikanna] wooden plane with a convex base curved in the cutting direction
南京鉋[nankinkanna] spokeshave
四方反り鉋[shihousorikanna] wooden plane with a convex base curved both along the direction of cutting and across the blade
台直し鉋[dainaoshikanna] plane with a blade at ninety degrees to its base used for maintaining the bases of other wooden planes
鉋身[kannami] cutting blade of a plane
鉋掛け[kannakake] planing (wood)
台直し鉋[dainaoshikanna] plane with a blade at ninety degrees to its base used for maintaining the bases of other wooden planes
鉋身[kannami] cutting blade of a plane
鉋掛け[kannakake] planing (wood)