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Search Kanji for 酢漿草

漿 a drink

Search dictionary for: 漿

Pinyin: jiāng, jiàng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: tương
Stroke counts: 15 Skip code: 2-11-4


血漿[kesshou] plasma
漿液[shoueki] juice
酸漿[hoozuki] ground cherry (Physalis alkekengi var. franchetii)
海酸漿[umihoozuki] whelk egg case
漿果[shouka] moist, pulpy fruit (i.e. tomato, grape, berry)
脳漿[noushou] spinal fluid
岩漿[ganshou] magma
乾燥血漿[kansoukesshou] dried plasma
酢漿草[katabami] wood sorrel
犬酸漿[inuhoozuki] black nightshade (plant) (Solanum nigrum)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
grass; weeds; herbs; pasture; write; draft

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Popularity rank: 967 Pinyin: cǎo Korean: cho Hán-Việt: thảo
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-6


草臥れる[kutabireru] to get tired
遺草[isou] posthumous works
一年草[ichinensou] annual (plant)
詠草[eisou] draft poem
下草[shitakusa] undergrowth
仮名草紙[kanazoushi] story in the kana
伽草子[togizoushi] fairy-tale book
海草[kaisou] marine plant
乾草[kansou] hay
甘草[kanzou] liquorice
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
vinegar; sour; acid; tart

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Popularity rank: 1955 Pinyin: zuò Korean: cho, jag Hán-Việt: tạc, thố
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-7-5


甘酢[amazu] sweet vinegar
酢の物[sunomono] vinegared or pickled dish
酢酸[sakusan] acetic acid
酢漬[suzuke] pickling
酢豚[subuta] sweet-and-sour pork
氷酢酸[hyousakusan] glacial acetic acid
ポン酢[ponzu] juice pressed from a bitter orange
酢酸塩[sakusanen] acetate
梅酢[umezu] plum vinegar
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0