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astray; be perplexed; in doubt; lost; err; illusion

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Popularity rank: 942 Pinyin: Korean: mi Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-6


傍迷惑[hatameiwaku] nuisance to other people
頑迷[ganmei] bigotry
御迷惑[gomeiwaku] trouble
混迷[konmei] turmoil
昏迷[konmei] stupefaction
世迷言[yomaigoto] grumbling
低迷[teimei] hanging low (over)
迷い込む[mayoikomu] to go astray
迷い子[mayoigo] lost (stray) child
迷う[mayou] to lose one's way
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