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Popularity rank: 1984 Pinyin: Korean: sal Hán-Việt: tát
Stroke counts: 16 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-4-14


金剛薩堕[kongousatta] Vajrasattva
薩摩芋[satsumaimo] sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
薩摩焼[satsumayaki] Satsuma porcelain
菩薩[bosatsu] bodhisattva
薩摩の守[satsumanokami] traveling while deliberately not paying a fare (travelling)
薩摩揚げ[satsumaage] deep-fried ball of fish paste
如菩薩[nyobosatsu] Buddha-like compassion
薩長[sacchou] Satsuma and Choshu
薩摩閥[satsumabatsu] Satsuma clan
弥勒菩薩[mirokubosatsu] Maitreya
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