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wither; droop; lame

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Pinyin: wēi, wěi Korean: wi Hán-Việt: uy, ủy
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 2-4-8


萎える[naeru] to wither
萎びる[shinabiru] to shrivel (e.g. cut vegetables, skin)
萎れる[shioreru] to wither
萎靡[ibi] decline
陰萎[ini] impotence (sexual)
萎む[shibomu] to wither (e.g. flowers, dreams)
足萎え[ashinae] lameness
萎縮[ishuku] withering
萎縮症[ishukushou] atrophy
萎縮腎[ishukujin] contracted kidney
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