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Search Kanji for 背信行為

faith; truth; fidelity; trust

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Popularity rank: 208 Pinyin: xìn, shēn Korean: sin Hán-Việt: tín, thân
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-2-7


イタルタス通信[itarutasutsuushin] ITAR-TASS News Agency
インタファクス通信[intafakusutsuushin] Interfax news agency
シリアル通信[shiriarutsuushin] serial communication
タス通信[tasutsuushin] TASS News Agency
データ通信[deetatsuushin] data communication
パソコン通信[pasokontsuushin] personal computer communication
パラレル通信[pararerutsuushin] parallel communication
ブレーク信号[bureekushingou] break signal
ロイター通信[roitaatsuushin] Reuters (news agency)
威信[ishin] dignity
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
do; change; make; benefit; welfare; be of use; reach to; try; practice; cost; serve as; good; advantage; as a result of

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Popularity rank: 831 Pinyin: wèi, wéi Korean: wi Hán-Việt: vi, vị
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-5-4


為せる[saseru] to make (someone) do
其の為[sonotame] hence
の為に[notameni] for the sake of
スパイ行為[supaikoui] espionage
為め[tame] good
為さる[nasaru] to do
為しおえる[nashioeru] to accomplish
為しおわる[nashiowaru] to finish
為す[nasu] to build up
為て遣る[shiteyaru] to do for (someone)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
stature; height; back; behind; disobey; defy; go back on; rebel

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Popularity rank: 696 Pinyin: bèi, bēi Korean: bae, pae Hán-Việt: bối, bội
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-5-4


鯔背[inase] gallant
違背[ihai] violation
棄背[kihai] giving up and turning back
向背[kouhai] one's attitude
上背[uwazei] stature
側背[sokuhai] flank
団栗の背比べ[dongurinoseikurabe] having no outstanding characteristics
中肉中背[chuunikuchuuzei] medium build
中背[chuuzei] average height
二律背反[niritsuhaihan] antinomy
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
going; journey

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Popularity rank: 20 Pinyin: xíng, háng, hàng, xìng Korean: haeng, hang Hán-Việt: hành, hạnh, hàng, hạng
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-3-3


行けない[ikenai] wrong
行る[yaru] to send
オリエント急行[orientokyuukou] Orient express
カ行[kagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "ku"
ガ行[gagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "gu"
サ行[sagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "su"
ザ行[zagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "zu"
スパイ行為[supaikoui] espionage
タ行[tagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "tsu"
ダ行[dagyou] classification for Japanese verb with the dictionary form ending in "dzu"
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0