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Search Kanji for 羊栖菜

nest; rookery; hive; cobweb; den

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Pinyin: qī, xī Korean: seo Hán-Việt: tê, thê
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-4-6


栖息[seisoku] inhabiting
隠栖[insei] secluded life
旧栖[kyuusei] old home
幽栖[yuusei] living a quiet life in seclusion away from the masses
栖む[sumu] to live (of animals)
羊栖菜[hijiki] hijiki (dark edible seaweed usu. sold in dried black strips; Hizikia fusiformis)
終の栖[tsuinosumika] one's final abode
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Popularity rank: 1852 Pinyin: yáng Korean: yang Hán-Việt: dương
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-6-3


雄羊[ohitsuji] ram
牡羊座[ohitsujiza] Aries (constellation)
野羊[yagi] goat
山羊座[yagiza] Capricornus (constellation)
牧羊[bokuyou] sheep farming
牧羊者[bokuyousha] sheep breeder
羊飼い[hitsujikai] shepherd
羊頭狗肉[youtoukuniku] using a better name to sell inferior goods
羊肉[youniku] mutton
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
vegetable; side dish; greens

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Popularity rank: 1327 Pinyin: cài Korean: chae Hán-Việt: thái
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-8


沈菜[kimuchi] kimchi
一汁一菜[ichijuuissai] one-plate meal
嫁菜[yomena] aster
果菜[kasai] fruits and vegetables
花椰菜[hanayasai] cauliflower
乾菜[kansai] dried vegetables
乾燥野菜[kansouyasai] dehydrated vegetables
菜葉[nappa] greens
菜園[saien] vegetable garden
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0