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Search Kanji for 禿

禿 become bald; bare; wear out; waste away; little girl employed at a brothel

Search dictionary for: 禿

Pinyin: Korean: dog Hán-Việt: ngốc, thốc
Stroke counts: 7 Skip code: 2-5-2


禿び[chibi] small child
丸禿[maruhage] complete baldness
禿げ[kaburo] baldness
禿げる[hageru] to lose hair
禿鷹[hagetaka] vulture
禿げ上る[hageagaru] to become bald from the forehead
禿山[hageyama] bald or denuded mountain
禿頭[tokutou] bald head
禿頭病[tokutoubyou] alopecia
若禿げ[wakahage] premature baldness
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