握り潰し[nigiritsubushi] shelving 胃潰瘍[ikaiyou] stomach ulcer 圧潰す[oshitsubusu] to squash 暇潰し[himatsubushi] waste of time 潰滅[kaimetsu] destruction
潰乱[kairan] corruption (of order, customs, etc.) 丸潰れ[marutsubure] complete ruin 顔を潰す[kaowotsubusu] to make somebody lose face 泣潰す[nakitsubusu] to cry one's eyes out 乗り潰す[noritsubusu] to ride (a horse) to death
餡子[anko] red bean paste 葛餡[kuzuan] kudzu sauce 餡蜜[anmitsu] syrup-covered anko (bean jam) and fruit 餡かけ[ankake] thick starchy sauce made of kuzu or katakuriko flour 餡パン[anpan] bread roll filled with anko
餡饅[anman] bun with anko filling 小倉餡[oguraan] sweet adzuki bean paste made of a mixture of mashed and whole beans 餡餅[anmochi] mochi rice cake with red bean jam filling こし餡[koshian] strained bean paste